Tim Kane

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"Learn How To build your own DME/ IME observation business faster & easier than ever before!"

The DME/IME Observer Course is
so awesome and here is why..

You can have your own DME business within days! All you need is a computer with an internet connection, and this complete turnkey system will get you up and running in less than 5 hours. You'll have a great product, unbeatable marketing, and fantastic mentoring support.

I guarantee to help you reduce your bedside hours and change your life. This course will also pay for itself with the first exam you attend.

Hi, I'm Tim Kane 

I have working clinically as a RN since 2001. One day in 2011, I received a mailing for training to become an LNC. Intrigued, I took the class, and I passed the certification test. I began to market. To my surprise, one day I got a call from an attorney asking me to attend his client’s DME, or Defense Medical Exam. I went to my first exam in 2012. I kept my clinical job, but the exam requests continued to come. In 2014, I was able to reduce my ER job to 24 hours per week. I continued to market for DMEs and my schedule over the years steadily increased. I had to get help from my local nurse friends to keep up with all the requests. Fast forward to 2021 and I am per diem at my local hospital, and I attend many DMEs weekly.

"Tim's course was amazing. I was able to reduce my hospital hours to a 0.6 and am much happier when I am taking care of patients, and at home!!" - Jessi, RN

I’ve learned a great deal about what works and what doesn’t.

I made the per diem decision when I realized that my DME success will provide a perfect income and give me weekends and holidays with my family. The freedom and success of business ownership is very rewarding. And I still get the satisfaction of helping patients, just in a new avenue.

Now that I am fluent in DME, I want to share my knowledge with other nurses to give them the freedoms I get to enjoy. When you sign up for Defense Medical Exam Observation, you get an online course loaded with content. The course explains the basics of DMEs, and what your role will be. I share what marketing techniques have worked for me. I offer report writing guidance and send you report templates and examples along with much more!! The course includes videos of actual defense medical exams. I’ll have you draft a report based on these videos and give you valuable feedback.

I’m thrilled to also include SIX MONTHS of mentorship. My goal is to assist you in becoming successful and over six months we will work toward that goal. Sign up today and start learning about DMEs tomorrow.

My life had just changed.

That one online course became a launchpad to build my entire business.

Bedside nursing just isn't the same!!!

The truth is that many nurses have to put up with a lot of BS from patients and their relatives. It's no wonder some of them develop a “can’t-give-a-shit attitude” and start looking for another job.

Burnout IS real!!!

No matter how hard you try nothing seems to work. In fact, you can be in a position of power and authority and still have to work 14-hour shifts. You spend your entire life caring for people and still your never appreciated, and you feel so helpless because you can’t do anything to change the situation.

The physical toll takes hold!

You’re exhausted, stressed, angry and even sometimes depressed. In fact, after years of nursing, you may be suffering from one or more of the following symptoms: sleep deprivation, irritability, weight gain, and fatigue.

Stop the insanity that comes with working in a hospital

My goal is to teach you what to do to help reduce your bedside hours and start changing your life.

Learn to control what’s going on around you - and change your life

I applaud you for making a decision that will dramatically improve your quality of life. Now, you must take action! I’m going to teach you what to do.


The  DME/IME Observer Course

The "DME/IME Observer" course is
offered with 6 months of personal mentoring and 5 learning modules.

Each module includes video, downloadable tools, skill-building exercises, and the opportunity to apply the content immediately to building your own independent business.

You'll be experiencing engaging online learning as you learn to design your own business.

6 Months

Video Lessons

5 PDF Guides & example reports

Facebook Group

Excellent Support

 IME/DME Observer 

Become the Nurse Entrepreneur you always wanted to be. 

You'll also get: 


 SIX MONTHS of mentorship. My goal is to assist you in becoming successful and over six months we will work toward that goal.


A Facebook group to run ideas off of and connect with. 


The support of other nurses that have taken my course to support you every step of the way!!

Enroll comfortably with our 100%

RISK-FREE Guarantee

TRUSTED by 100+ Students

Let us help you too!

What some of our students say!

Amy Gruszewski

Tim Kane’s DME course allowed me to approach DMEs with confidence. The mentorship was an added bonus. I knew my final product was quality and what attorneys are looking for.

Kim Beckman

Awesome course and wonderful mentor!!

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